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Disg Modell Fragebogen Pdf Download [PORTABLE]

there are currently roughly 10,000 germans on the organ waiting list 1 . as of july 2019, that number is over 113,000 in the usa 2 . there is a clear need to increase support for organ donation in general, and to increase the number of registered donors in particular. within germany alone, the number of donors could be more than doubled 3 . unless organ donation is to be somehow mandated, all approaches to increase levels of support involve a degree of personal choice, albeit to a lesser degree when opt-out laws are in place (as in the netherlands, austria, and poland) than in the case of opt-in laws (as in the usa, brazil, and australia) 4 . some nations, such as germany, have in-between laws which require citizens to self-identify as an organ donor or not when signing up for mandatory health insurance. as laws can help, but ultimately not solve, this challenge, it is imperative to better understand the social-psychological factors that influence levels of support for organ donation. the current research examines the relationship between attitudes towards organ donation and an emotion that is surprisingly understudied in this context, namely, disgust.

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these limitations aside, the current study suggests that disgust sensitivity, along with fear and trust, does in fact significantly impact levels of support for organ donation, and that there may be meaningful differences in this regard between men and women.

however, more research is needed to further clarify why people with a donor card are more supportive of organ donation than people without a donor card, and to examine whether disgust sensitivity also predicts donation behavior in the long term. in the long term, particularly, one would hope to learn whether the negative influence of disgust sensitivity on organ donation attitudes may persist over time and result in lower organ donation rates. another issue concerns why disgust sensitivity is also associated with these attitudes, even when a person has a donor card. despite the fact that people with a donor card scored lower on measures of disgust sensitivity than did people without a donor card, they still show more negative attitudes towards organ donation. perhaps, people who know they have a donor card can (partially) compensate for a lack of disgust sensitivity by possessing more knowledge about organ donation and the risks of death. however, the current study cannot answer this question, as future studies should examine potential mechanisms.


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