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The AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download: What's New and What's Changed

Associated Press Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download: A Guide for Journalists and Writers

If you are a journalist, a writer, a student, or anyone who needs to produce clear and accurate content for different audiences and purposes, you may have heard of the Associated Press Stylebook. But what is it exactly, and why is it so widely used and respected in the media industry? And how can you get your hands on the latest edition of this essential resource?

Associated Press Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download

In this article, we will answer these questions and more. We will explain what the Associated Press Stylebook is, how it came to be, what it contains, and how to use it. We will also discuss why it is important to follow a consistent writing style, what are some of the challenges and best practices of doing so, and how to adapt your writing to different media platforms. Finally, we will show you how to get the Associated Press Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download, what are its features and advantages, and how to use it effectively.

What is the Associated Press Stylebook?

The Associated Press Stylebook is a comprehensive guide for news writing. It offers guidelines on grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, word usage, numbers, dates, names, titles, quotations, attribution, and more. It also covers specific topics such as sports, business, food, fashion, health, religion, science, technology, law, politics, education, entertainment, and culture. It provides information on media law, ethics, social media, photo captions, editing marks, pronunciation, and regional differences. It also includes a bibliography of useful references and resources.

The history and purpose of the AP Stylebook

The Associated Press (AP) is a global news agency that was founded in 1846. It provides news stories, photos, videos, audio clips, graphics, and interactive features to thousands of media outlets around the world. It also offers news analysis, commentary, fact-checking, research, and training services.

The AP Stylebook was first published in 1953 as a spiral-bound booklet of 60 pages. It was intended to help AP reporters and editors produce consistent and accurate news stories for their diverse clients. Since then, it has been revised and updated regularly to reflect changes in language usage, culture, and technology. The latest edition of the AP Stylebook was published in 2020 and has more than 600 pages.

The content and structure of the AP Stylebook

The AP Stylebook consists of several sections that cover different aspects of news writing. The main section is the stylebook itself, which is an alphabetical list of entries that provide guidance on specific words, phrases, and topics. For example, under the entry "abortion", you will find definitions, terminology, and examples of how to write about this issue.

The stylebook also includes a guide to punctuation that explains how to use commas, periods, colons, semicolons, dashes, hyphens, apostrophes, quotation marks, parentheses, brackets, slashes, and other symbols. It also provides rules for capitalization, italics, and abbreviations.

The stylebook also has a statement of news values that outlines the principles and standards that guide the AP's journalism. It covers topics such as accuracy, fairness, balance, impartiality, sourcing, attribution, corrections, plagiarism, and diversity.

The stylebook also has a briefing on media law that summarizes the legal issues that journalists may encounter in their work. It covers topics such as libel, privacy, access to information, copyright, trademark, contempt of court, shield laws, and subpoenas.

The stylebook also has several special sections that provide more detailed guidance on specific areas of news writing. These include:

  • Social media guidelines that explain how to use platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok for reporting, engaging, and verifying news.

  • Sports guidelines and style that cover the rules, terminology, statistics, and formats for writing about various sports and events.

  • Food guidelines that offer tips and examples for writing about food, cooking, recipes, nutrition, and dining.

  • Fashion guidelines that provide advice and examples for writing about fashion, clothing, accessories, beauty, and style.

  • Business guidelines that explain how to write about business, finance, economics, markets, and trade.

  • Broadcast guidelines that offer suggestions and examples for writing for radio and television.

  • Photo captions that explain how to write clear and informative captions for photos and videos.

  • Interactive/Graphics guidelines that explain how to create and use interactive features and graphics for online and mobile platforms.

  • Editing marks that show how to use symbols and abbreviations to mark corrections and changes on manuscripts.

How to use the AP Stylebook

The AP Stylebook is designed to be a handy reference tool for journalists and writers. You can use it to check the spelling, meaning, usage, or style of a word or phrase. You can also use it to learn more about a topic or issue that you are writing about. You can also use it to improve your writing skills and knowledge of journalism.

To use the AP Stylebook effectively, you should follow these steps:

  • Identify your purpose and audience. Before you start writing, you should know what you are trying to communicate and who you are trying to reach. This will help you choose the appropriate tone, language, format, and content for your piece.

  • Do your research. Before you write, you should gather all the relevant information and facts that you need to support your story. You should verify the accuracy, credibility, and timeliness of your sources. You should also attribute your information properly and avoid plagiarism.

  • Write clearly and concisely. When you write, you should use simple and direct words and sentences. You should avoid jargon, slang, clichés, euphemisms, and vague or ambiguous expressions. You should also avoid unnecessary words, repetition, redundancy, and filler.

  • Follow the AP style rules. When you write, you should consult the AP Stylebook for guidance on specific words, phrases, or topics. You should follow the rules for grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviation, word usage, numbers, dates, names, titles, quotations, attribution, etc. You should also follow the rules for specific areas of news writing such as sports, business, food, fashion, etc.

Edit and proofread your work. After you write

  • Edit and proofread your work. After you write your piece you should review it carefully for errors inaccuracies inconsistencies or omissions. You should check your spelling grammar punctuation capitalization and style. You should also check your facts sources and attribution. You should make sure your piece is clear coherent logical and complete.

Why is the AP Stylebook important?

The AP Stylebook is important because it helps journalists and writers produce high-quality content that is accurate credible and consistent. By following a standardized writing style you can:

The benefits of following a standardized writing style

  • Enhance your professionalism and credibility. By using correct clear and precise language you can demonstrate your respect for your readers sources and subjects. You can also establish your authority and expertise on your topic. You can also avoid legal troubles and ethical dilemmas that may arise from inaccurate or misleading information.

  • Improve your readability and accessibility. By using simple and direct language, you can make your content easy to read and understand for your readers. You can also make your content accessible to a wider and more diverse audience, including people who speak different languages, have different backgrounds, or have different levels of education.

  • Increase your consistency and compatibility. By using a standardized writing style, you can ensure that your content is consistent across different platforms, formats, and outlets. You can also make your content compatible with other sources and publications that follow the same style. This can help you avoid confusion, contradiction, or duplication among your readers.

The challenges of keeping up with changing rules and trends

While following a standardized writing style has many benefits, it also poses some challenges. One of the main challenges is keeping up with the changing rules and trends of language usage, culture, and technology. The AP Stylebook is revised and updated regularly to reflect these changes, but it is not always easy to keep track of them or to apply them correctly.

Some of the common changes that affect the AP style rules include:

  • New words or phrases that enter the language or become popular due to social, political, or cultural events or movements. For example, in recent years, the AP Stylebook has added entries for terms such as "Black Lives Matter", "Brexit", "COVID-19", "emoji", "fake news", "gender-neutral", "hashtag", "selfie", and "transgender".

  • New meanings or usages of existing words or phrases that evolve or change over time due to linguistic, social, or cultural factors. For example, in recent years, the AP Stylebook has changed its rules for words such as "collide", "email", "hopefully", "internet", "more than/over", and "they".

  • New formats or platforms that emerge or develop due to technological innovations or advancements. For example, in recent years, the AP Stylebook has added or updated sections for social media, broadcast, interactive/graphics, photo captions, etc.

To cope with these changes, you should do the following:

  • Stay updated and informed. You should regularly check the AP Stylebook website, app, or newsletter for the latest updates and changes. You should also follow the AP Stylebook on social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook for tips and reminders. You should also read other sources and publications that follow the AP style for examples and inspiration.

  • Use your judgment and common sense. You should remember that the AP Stylebook is not a rigid set of rules, but a flexible guide that aims to help you produce clear and accurate content. You should also remember that the AP Stylebook is not the only authority on language usage, culture, and technology. You should also consider the preferences and expectations of your audience and your publication. You should use your judgment and common sense to decide when to follow, adapt, or deviate from the AP style rules.

  • Ask for help and feedback. You should not hesitate to consult the AP Stylebook website, app, or newsletter for clarification or confirmation on any style issue. You should also seek help and feedback from your colleagues, editors, or mentors. You should also be open to learning from your mistakes and improving your writing skills.

The best practices for applying AP style to different media platforms

Another challenge of following a standardized writing style is adapting it to different media platforms. The AP Stylebook provides guidelines and examples for writing for print, online, mobile, social media, broadcast, and interactive/graphics platforms. However, each platform has its own characteristics, limitations, and opportunities that require different approaches and techniques.

Some of the best practices for applying AP style to different media platforms include:

  • Know your platform. You should be familiar with the features, functions, formats, and standards of the platform you are writing for. You should also know the audience, purpose, and goals of your content on that platform.

  • Know your story. You should be clear about the main idea, message, angle, and tone of your story. You should also know the most important and relevant information and facts that you want to convey to your readers.

  • Write for clarity and brevity. You should use simple and direct words and sentences that convey your meaning clearly and concisely. You should avoid unnecessary words, repetition, redundancy, or filler. You should also use active voice, strong verbs, specific nouns, and descriptive adjectives.

  • Write for impact and engagement. You should use catchy headlines, subheads, leads, and endings that capture the attention and interest of your readers. You should also use quotes, anecdotes, statistics, examples, and other elements that add interest and value to your story. You should also use questions, calls to action, feedback forms, polls, quizzes, and other elements that invite interaction and engagement from your readers.

  • Write for multimedia and cross-platform. You should use photos, videos, audio clips, graphics, and interactive features that complement and enhance your text. You should also make sure that your content is compatible and adaptable to different devices, browsers, and screen sizes.

How to get the AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download?

If you are interested in getting the AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download, you have several options and costs to consider. The AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download is a digital version of the print edition of the AP Stylebook 2013. It is a searchable and printable PDF file that you can download to your computer or mobile device. It has the same content and structure as the print edition, but with some additional features and advantages.

The options and costs of accessing the AP Stylebook online or offline

To access the AP Stylebook online or offline, you can choose from the following options:

  • Buy the print edition of the AP Stylebook 2013. You can order the print edition of the AP Stylebook 2013 from the AP Stylebook website or from other online or offline retailers. The print edition costs $21.95 plus shipping and handling. It has 494 pages and a spiral binding. It also includes a free one-year subscription to the AP Stylebook Online.

  • Buy the AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download. You can order the AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download from the AP Stylebook website or from other online retailers. The PDF download costs $19.95 and is delivered by email within one business day. It has 494 pages and is searchable and printable. It also includes a free one-year subscription to the AP Stylebook Online.

  • Buy the AP Stylebook Online. You can order the AP Stylebook Online from the AP Stylebook website or from other online retailers. The online edition costs $26 per year for an individual subscription or $210 per year for a site license for up to 10 users. It has more than 5,000 entries and is updated throughout the year. It also includes access to special sections such as social media guidelines, sports guidelines and style, food guidelines, fashion guidelines, business guidelines, broadcast guidelines, photo captions, interactive/graphics, etc.

  • Buy the AP Stylebook App. You can order the AP Stylebook App from the App Store or Google Play. The app costs $24.99 and is compatible with iOS and Android devices. It has more than 5,000 entries and is updated throughout the year. It also includes access to special sections such as social media guidelines, sports guidelines and style, food guidelines, fashion guidelines, business guidelines, broadcast guidelines, photo captions, interactive/graphics, etc.

The features and advantages of the AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download

The AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download has some features and advantages that make it a convenient and useful option for accessing the AP Stylebook online or offline. Some of these features and advantages include:

  • It is cheaper than the print edition or the online edition. The PDF download costs $19.95, while the print edition costs $21.95 plus shipping and handling and the online edition costs $26 per year for an individual subscription or $210 per year for a site license for up to 10 users.

  • It is faster and easier to get than the print edition. The PDF download is delivered by email within one business day, while the print edition may take several days or weeks to arrive depending on your location and shipping method.

  • It is searchable and printable. The PDF download allows you to search for any word or phrase within the document using the find function of your PDF reader. It also allows you to print any page or section of the document using your printer.

  • It is portable and flexible. The PDF download allows you to save the file to your computer or mobile device and access it anytime and anywhere without an internet connection. It also allows you to transfer the file to other devices or share it with other users using email or cloud storage services.

  • It includes a free one-year subscription to the AP Stylebook Online. The PDF download comes with a free one-year subscription to the AP Stylebook Online that gives you access to more than 5,000 entries and updates throughout the year. It also gives you access to special sections such as social media guidelines, sports guidelines and style, food guidelines, fashion guidelines, business guidelines, broadcast guidelines, photo captions, interactive/graphics, etc.

The tips and tricks for using the AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download effectively

The AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download is a useful and convenient tool for accessing the AP Stylebook online or offline. However, to use it effectively, you should follow some tips and tricks that can help you make the most of it. Some of these tips and tricks include:

  • Save the file in a secure and accessible location. You should save the PDF file to your computer or mobile device in a folder or directory that you can easily find and access. You should also back up the file to a cloud storage service or an external drive in case of loss or damage.

  • Use a reliable and updated PDF reader. You should use a PDF reader that can open, view, search, and print the PDF file without any problems. You should also update your PDF reader regularly to ensure its compatibility and functionality.

  • Use bookmarks and annotations. You should use bookmarks and annotations to mark and highlight important or frequently used pages or sections of the PDF file. You can also use bookmarks and annotations to add notes or comments to the PDF file.

  • Use keyboard shortcuts and commands. You should use keyboard shortcuts and commands to perform common tasks such as finding, copying, pasting, zooming, scrolling, etc. You can also use keyboard shortcuts and commands to navigate between pages or sections of the PDF file.

  • Use print preview and settings. You should use print preview and settings to check how the PDF file will look when printed. You can also use print preview and settings to adjust the size, orientation, layout, margins, etc. of the PDF file before printing.


The Associated Press Stylebook is a comprehensive guide for news writing that offers guidelines on grammar, spelling, punctuation, word usage, and more. It also covers specific topics such as sports, business, food, fashion, media law, social media, etc. It is widely used and respected in the media industry as a standard for news writing. It helps journalists and writers produce high-quality content that is accurate, credible, and consistent. The AP Stylebook 2013 Pdf Download is a digital version of the print edition of the AP Stylebook 2013. It is a searchable and printable PDF file that you can download to your compute


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